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BID Membership

Having reviewed various aspects of BID governance we are now inviting formal applications for BID membership. BID Members are entitled to attend general meetings including the AGM; vote and propose resolutions. All existing levy-payers may apply for full membership, using the link below. Non-levy payers who wish to obtain BID services may apply for Voluntary Membership, which incurs an annual contribution of £100. Voluntary Members may attend the AGM but do not have a vote.  To fill out the form please click the link below:



We've Moved!

In response to requests from levy-payers to make savings in our administrative costs, we decided to move out of our previous shop premises and are now based in the offices of Bute Fabrics.

Our new postal address is: 4 Barone Road, Rothesay, PA20 0DP.

Our new telephone number is: 07538 264649.

If you would like to arrange an appointment please phone or email

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