Isle of Bute
Bute Businesses Driving Change
Collection Box New Location
Buy Bute has proved to be a success and so it was decided to continue the scheme. The new initiative to encourage people to shop locally on Bute is a low-tech, easy to use loyalty card scheme with wallet-sized cards that can be used in any participating Bute shop.
Here’s how it works:
Shoppers who spend at least £5 in a participating shop will have their card stamped by the retailer.
Once they collect 10 stamps they can then write their contact details on the back of the card and pop it into the Buy Bute Collection Box now located at the Amphitheatre on Montague Street, Rothesay.
On the 20th of the month a draw will be held and the winner will receive £50 in vouchers that can only be spent in local participating businesses.​
There will be no charge to participating shops and the BID will supply all materials required.
The scheme is aimed initially at local retailers but if successful may be extended. Levy Payers can email us at to request participation packs to join the scheme.